Barracuda Mail Service Maintenance

3 days

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The switchback to our Barracuda Anti-Spam/Mail service (barracuda[1] & today (30 August 2024) between 12:00-13:00 BST was a success. Completion time was 12:05.

We will be monitoring the service closely to ensure there are no issues, but please let our support teams know if you are experiencing any problems sending or receiving emails.


We will be reverting to our Barracuda Anti-Spam/Mail service (barracuda[1] & today (30/08/2024) between 12:00 - 13:00.

There may be a brief interruption to the SMTP service on affected servers and possibly a short delay in mail delivery. We will be monitoring the work closely, but please let us know if you experience any issues.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


While we do not expect any service interruptions, we are running maintenance behind the scenes during this period - see Affected Components for list of services that will be impacted by this maintenance. We'll keep you updated as things progress.

Description of Work

Barracuda Anti-Spam/Mail service (barracuda[1] & is currently undergoing unexpected yet essential maintenance. We have temporarily replaced the service with our secondary service, named Proxmox Mail Gateway (

Time and date

  • Start: 09:00 28 August 2024
  • Finish: 09:00 31 August 2024

Anticipated Impact

No impact to mail delivery is expected, however if you notice any issues with emails being erroneously flagged as spam then please let our support team know, providing a copy of the email as an attachment in a ticket, or providing us with To, From, and Send Date/Time details.

Should you require further information, please contact us via our customer portal.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Hosted Services
    • Shared Hosting
      • Shared Hosting (Linux)
        • Mail Service
      • Shared Hosting (Windows)
        • Mail Service
    • Email Services
      • Barracuda Anti-Spam